

Este control absoluto de la información, del pensamiento y del conocimiento humano acumulado durante siglos es el que estas corporaciones ejercen y orientan siempre a su favor,


<< This absolute control of information, thought and human knowledge accumulated over centuries is what these corporations always exercise and direct in ...>>

By: Luis Alvizuri (Filósofo, Psicólogo)

Democracy within the West has taken a turn towards the dictatorship of the rich (or plutocracy in technical terms). It happens that the concentration of wealth in a way not previously imagined (since money buys everything, especially human beings) has allowed real power to fall into a few hands and not into the will of the majority. This concentration is most clearly seen in the so-called corporations, which are conglomerates of private properties that have been acquired over the years by the wealthiest family groups. Currently, in the Western environment, it is easy to distinguish how most of the large companies that cover all areas of public and private life belong to only a few men who, for the most part, go unnoticed by the populations. IT WAS PRESCRIBED We are then faced with a process that has taken years, centuries, to consolidate, and it was something that had already been predicted long in advance by numerous analysts and critics of capitalism, warning of the future directions that it was inevitably going to take. And it was logical that one day, sooner or later, all the wealth of the planet had to fall on a few people who would gradually acquire, through purchase, ownership of all the means of production and distribution of societies. So much so that we now know that both the basic energy for modern life as well as food, knowledge, defense and basic and commercial services fall under the same names, these being the ones who make all the decisions about its management and future. THE ASSAULT ON POWER But why does this mean the end of democracy as we know it? Because the system does not have a mechanism that intervenes the real monopoly, since it offers innumerable collateral ways to avoid it, in such a way that, with simple tricks, all kinds of public and private entities can be incorporated into a single organization under different names without prejudice. or violation of the law. This necessarily implies that the political orientation of a country will end up being a reflection of the will of those who have accumulated such economic power. They make this effective through the financial contributions they offer to political parties or by creating them expressly. In more developed nations, such as the United States, the first method is used, while in less developed nations the second is used. FICTIONAL DEMOCRACY What does this lead us to? That democracy completely degenerates and effectively disappears to become a pantomime, an imitation or theater where certain ways are maintained that appear to be a "government of the people" but which, deep down, is a manipulation that is exerted on him. This manipulation has become richer than ever before in history because the richest now have much more powerful and sophisticated instruments, such as science and technology, the same ones they have developed based on the creation of industries and manufacturing. of products. Thus, they have total control of the media, including social networks and the Internet, outside of the almost obsolete paper newspapers.

Fecha: 2024-09-09 02:11:56

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