La Agenda 2030 recoge todos esos problemas que hoy están a la mano poder ser solucionados por los grandes poderes transnacionales.

Por: Luis Alvizuri (Filósofo, Psicólogo)

I may seem repetitive with this topic but, in reality, it is the most important on a global scale at the moment. That is why it is necessary to try to clarify, in the simplest way possible, what the 2030 Agenda consists of, how it was born and why the UN has approved it as “the future of humanity.” I understand that for the vast majority this is nothing more than a hearsay reference or something they have heard mentioned by some outrageous Milei-style conservative. But in truth, very few have taken the trouble to investigate in depth why it is seen as a “danger” or as something “demonic” by a series of politicians and intellectuals. To begin with, the idea of ​​“one humanity” is as old as our own existence. Not only myths (which always speak of the creation of “humans” and not “a single type of human”) but also science, through genetics, reaffirm it: we are a single species, a mixture of Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon and Denisovan. That means that, at first, millions of years ago, we were a single family of a few members, all related to each other, which then diversified throughout the planet. It is as a result of this diaspora that we began to separate and, finally, become alien to each other, to the point that we began to dispute the territory as any animal does. Myths such as those of Cain and Abel and the Ayar brothers also tell us about this. Therefore, as a first conclusion, thinking about “one humanity” is not something strange or crazy but rather logical. This is so true that, by nature, we have always tried to reunify ourselves in some way or another, as demonstrated by the creation of empires governed under a single identity as well as the appearance of religions for which human beings have “a single identity.” and only objective that is determined by the gods.” That is to say, both emperors and gods always address “humanity” in general, since there is something in us that drives us to “get back together” as we were at the beginning. Suffice it to cite the work of poets such as Schiller, author of the famous choral text of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, better known as “The Hymn to Joy.” According to this, we can affirm that the dream of “one humanity under the same governing entity” is permanently in our collective imagination and is largely seen as the solution to all our problems. Because? Because the causes of most of our misfortunes are ourselves, not nature. That is why the most renowned thinkers of all time have insisted that human beings should agree on how to live harmoniously and in peace, establishing the same criteria and values ​​for everyone equally. This is what has given rise to utopias, to ideals about what those ideas and concepts should be with which we could all agree and with which we would organize our world society.

<< The 2030 Agenda includes all those problems that today are at hand and can be solved by the great transnational powers....>>

2024-09-09 23:51:06

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