

el ejercito israelí hizo estallar los beepers(buscapersonas) en territorio libanes ocasionado múltiples explosiones en casi todo el país

The consequences of Israel's cyberattack against Lebanon

<< The Israeli army blew up the beepers in Lebanese territory, causing multiple explosions in almost the entire country...>>

By: Leoncio Díaz (Politólogo)

This week Israel surprised the world with an unprecedented attack: the Israeli army blew up the beepers in Lebanese territory, causing multiple explosions in almost the entire country. 12 people died and 2,000 people were injured in the first wave of the cyber attack. The problem is that among the injured are not only the military personnel of the Herbola group, but also the civilian population, which is why the incident has been classified as an attack t3rr0r15t4. It was like an indiscriminate act against the security and sovereignty of Lebanon and a flagrant violation of international law that Israel does not seem to care about. However, those who decided on this unnecessary and disproportionate attack did not correctly calculate the consequences of the message they were sending to the entire world and the political reactions they were going to bring against them, or they simply overlooked it: even their own allies have questioned their actions. . Two days after the attack, the United States announced that it would not help Israel in a war against Gaza and the north of the country. The Pentagon's deputy press secretary, Sabrina Singh, clarified that the US was only going to support Israel in its defense. In that sense, he stated: "I think we have been quite clear from the beginning, in the sense that we are there to defend Israel. [...] We are not going to go in and support the offensive ground operations that they do, whether in the north or in Gaza". The situation is increasingly overwhelming for Israel and its methods of war. The day after the attack, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution calling on Israeli authorities to end the "illegal" occupation of Palestine within one year. It is increasingly losing legitimacy in the international community and various international actors are questioning Israeli methods. Another transcendent reaction, hours after the massive attack on Lebanon, was the statement by the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohamed bin Salmán, who reiterated, during a speech before the Shura Council, that his country will not normalize diplomatic relations with Israel until recognize an 'independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital...'. Likewise, he has reiterated Riyadh's rejection and "firm condemnation" of "the crimes committed by the Israeli occupying power against the Palestinian people, ignoring International Law, in a new chapter of suffering," according to the state news agency. SPA. Finally, the companies involved in the manufacture of the beepers immediately denied responsibility for what happened to the devices. A Taiwanese firm blamed another French firm. Nobody wants to take responsibility and lose markets. Finally, the main consequence of its action has been that it has put the entire world on alert and distrust due to the insecurity that a small group of people has the technological capacity to exploit commonly used electronic devices from kilometers or thousands of kilometers away. : The fact that electronic devices can spy on what we talk about is already serious, but if they can explode and inflict death or the loss of our limbs, then we are talking about another even bigger problem. The famous international analyst Eduard Snowden said on the subject: "They blow up countless people who were driving (that is, cars out of control), shopping (his children are in the stroller behind him in the checkout line), etc. It is indistinguishable from terrorism.

Fecha: 2024-09-23 00:42:59

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