

La crisis política producto de una vacancia forzada por el congreso

A political crisis that generates division in Peru

<< The political crisis resulting from a forced vacancy by the consgress...>>

By: 500palabras.pe (redacción)

Historically, when the regions of a State begin to grow economically and politically they tend to rebel against the Central State; The emerging local elites promote the search for their autonomy, giving way to regionalist and identity-based ideological positions. That is the contradiction of centralized economic growth without development and political stability; It creates the conditions for the emergence of new regional elites with strong and ambitious personalities to take power or, in extreme cases, become autonomous. This phenomenon has happened in Egypt, Mesopotamia and ancient Peru. Currently, these regionalist tendencies also exist in different parts of the world: in Bolivia, Santa Cruz tends to be the rebellious region; In Spain, Catalonia seeks the same. In that sense, in the South of Peru, there are some proclamations of this style that are already maturing and have been made public following Castillo's departure from power. He feels that Castillo is the first man of the people who has come to represent them in the Presidency of the Republic and that, however, the traditional "capital and Creole" political class has forced his departure for being who he is. In that sense, Castillo's departure has been taken as a rejection of his roots, a rupture of the democratic system and therefore one way out would be secession. This secessionist discourse has been provoked by the traditional political class, they do not realize that times are gradually changing, those who hold political and economic power in the capital are no longer the only ones who have the capacity to finance political organizations to reach to the government palace; hegemonic media are no longer the only dissemination channels that create and manipulate public opinion and debate; It is no longer just Dionicio Romero or the large companies of the CONFIEP that can be represented with a presidential candidate with the possibility of opening positions for them in the palace or the Ministry of Economy and the BCR. Now, from different regions there are wealthy people who do not belong to CONFIEP and who seek representation in the national government to defend their interests. In general, the political and economic ambitions of the capital and the provinces have no limits, so that, in the case of the provincial elites, if they are not given the space that corresponds to them for being Peruvian by birth; and therefore, the right to have a national and influential political representation like CONFIEP, they will simply look for other options such as a New Political Constitution or divisionism like that harsh and painful proposal called "MacroSUR", which leaves a bad precedent as a result of the vehemence of the traditional political class that does not accept that times have changed.

Fecha: 2023-01-28 00:00:00

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