

Ya estamos es un mundo multipolar donde EE.UU., aún a la cabeza, comparte la hegemonía con Rusia y China...

The end of the Unipolar World

<< We are already in a multipolar world where the US, still at the head, shares hegemony with Russia and China......>>

By: Leoncio Díaz (Politólogo)

Just 35 years ago we were still living in the so-called bipolar world where Russia and the US competed for world hegemony. North American capitalism versus Soviet socialism were the two possible development alternatives that humanity pursued. Socialism, which today is unknown to the world, had managed to expand as an economic and political model in the countries of Asia and in Central America in Cuba. In South America there were many socialist movements and parties that destabilized pro-American governments, coming to power as in the case of Chile with Salvador Allende. However, the Soviet socialist model collapsed in 1991, leaving the United States as the largest military and economic power in the world, thus consolidating the "Unipolar World." In this way, during the last 30 years, North America has made decisions above international law, invading countries, unilaterally sanctioning its enemies, exporting capital, promoting coups d'état, promoting wars, invading countries and imposing its culture and way of seeing the world. However, everything that goes up must necessarily come down, and the breaking point is the Russia-Ukraine war. This war opened the doors to the historical geopolitical changes that lead from one stage to another of which we are witnesses. The end of the unipolar world begins with US sanctions on Russia, creating a situation of alarm in other countries to begin to stop depending on the dollar and make other trade agreements with non-Western countries. In that sense, countries have begun to rebel against US threats: we see Brazil disobeying Western restrictions by buying fertilizers from Russia; Countries in the Middle East already do international trade with regional currencies, leaving aside the dollar. But the most notable thing is that Russia, which is the most sanctioned country in the world by the North American power and the European Union, its economy remains firm: in the middle of the war it continues to grow in the GDP rankings, orienting its market to Asian countries. This situation creates an area of ​​North American non-interference either economically or politically. That is palpable proof that we are no longer in a unipolar world. Asian countries make decisions regardless of what the West says or does. It is an area liberated from globalization. These events have made emerging countries less afraid of Western blockades. On the contrary, a semi-independent geoeconomy has been promoted in Asia that can be repeated in the world. A new BRISC. Finally, the world process of deglobalization, little by little, Western power will make way for other emerging regions of the world.

Fecha: 2022-12-22 00:00:00

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