

Esto inevitablemente conllevará una guerra, que ahora es económica y legal pero que devendrá en bélica

Dedollarization is the end of the West

<< the West would become a “second-order” civilization in all kinds of aspects, from scientific to military and cultural, and with this it would abandon ...>>

By: Luis Alvizuri (Filósofo, Psicólogo)

There is no longer any doubt: the New World Order projected by Western capitalism (the 2030 Agenda) has found its antagonist: the BRICS. This is an alternative project whose purpose is to make capitalism perpetuate (be careful, it is about making it survive, not eliminating it, as Marxism proposed) but from the Chinese point of view. To understand it better, we must first take into account that all systems are perishable (they do not last forever) and that market society, along with modernity, also has its expiration date. The durability of a system depends on its ability to respond to the concerns of people and human beings in general. In short, all forms of human life “run out,” no matter how much we want to avoid it. The causes of its end are diverse and multiple, and almost always coincide all at the same time: population growth, geographical phenomena, ideological factors (religions, political movements, utopias, etc.), economic factors (gathering, hunting, agriculture, industrialization, etc. .) and some other unforeseen ones (epidemics, scientific and technological discoveries). To this we should add one that is no less important: fatigue and lack of expectations, which happens when life models offer nothing more than continuity and not change (this being fundamental, not only in the human world, but mainly in biology, as explained by the theory of evolution where the tendency is for species to undergo constant modifications, as well as to fulfill their life cycle). In short, a society, a system that is not “renewed” will inevitably begin to decay and become corrupt because it will lose the initial strength that made it see itself as “the best possible way of living.” This is one of the best-known theories about history and was put forward by thinkers such as Spengler or Toynbee, although there are those who do not agree with this “process” (of seeing civilizations as entities that are born, grow and die), such as The philosopher Karl Popper put it forward when he described it as historicism. But the reason why I start from the historicist thesis is because it seems to be the one followed by the great world powers that are, in one way or another, those who direct the destiny of humanity. The criticism made of this historicist vision is respectable (which they consider false, giving more weight to the human will that is manifested through great characters or leaders) and which they call “conspiracyist” for maintaining that “there exists “a plot by the richest families to guide the future of human beings.” The problem is that there is too much evidence that it is not just pure “conspiracy imagination” but concrete facts that are meticulously fulfilled one after another. It is difficult to believe that meetings like those at Bilderberg or Davos are just for “tea.” In reality, the most valuable and reliable information in the world is exchanged at these events, both in economic and political matters. The greatest proof that the West acts within these historicist parameters are the Bretton Woods agreements, which formed the UN, the IMF, the WB and all the organizations that prevail throughout the planet (and for this it is enough to see the number of areas that the UN develops to realize what its objectives and purposes are in fields such as health, education, work and all others). In short, the world we live in today has not been designed “at random” but is the result of a specific project that consists of establishing a market society (capitalism) while developing the “profile” of contemporary man: literate, industrial, democrat, scientific, technological, consumer, etc. In such a way that we are not living within a “chance”, in a society that was born as a result of different isolated events invented by some clever people, but in a completely planned, well-thought-out structure that continues to be refined day by day, step by step. step, like all machinery that must be constantly fed and oiled. Capitalism, like any other system, does not operate “by God's will” but is an entity that must be cared for and protected from all evil (communism or nationalism, its main enemies) and which we try to “make grow.” towards tomorrow” so that he does not suffer or perish. Millions of people are involved in this, both in the field of finance and in academia, political institutions and the armed forces. And in this system, created at the end of World War II and led by the United States, there is nothing more important and delicate than the universal currency: the dollar. The explanation is that a single currency for all transactions is what regulates the market, makes it coherent, and allows us to understand how much each thing is really worth. It is the main reference to pay for all work and all sales made anywhere on the planet. Local currencies have value only when compared to the dollar, and only when a product is “dollarized” (from chewing gum to the national public debt) is it known how much it costs and how much a person needs to cover their needs (hence the fear of inflation, which is the loss of the exchange value of a local currency against the dollar). But what is happening now? That a danger has emerged that threatens the entire system and its future and is called de-dollarization, that is, exchanges and payments are carried out using another economic standard other than the dollar. Right now, for example, several countries such as Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and others are doing their negotiations in yuan, the Chinese currency. What does this mean? That things are being valued but in a different way than the international market wants, representing a deadly attack against the entire mechanism, a breakdown of international unity, a situation of uncertainty as to how they should be priced. global goods. In short, a hole is being made in the ship of Western capitalism that could sink it. Those who are at the forefront of this coup that destroys “all the rules” are China and Russia, the founders and promoters of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and who in doing so seek nothing other than to try to become the new “owners” of the system, of capitalism, snatching it from the West, the consequences of which would be that said civilization would automatically lose, not only the ability to decide where wealth goes, but also the power to set the “rules of the game” that already exist. They would not favor her but their rivals. In this way, the West would become a “second-order” civilization in all kinds of aspects, from scientific to military and cultural, and with this it would abandon the primacy that it has held since the discovery of America. Asia would become “the center of the world” along with its culture and human values. This will inevitably lead to a war, which is now economic and legal but will turn into a war, since the West has no other option but to carry it out (and to do so it has the necessary means). It is the only way to ensure that the New World Order of Davos and the G7 (the 2030 Agenda) survives and that it is not the BRICS that finally triumph. This should not surprise us since war has never left nor will it leave us as long as we remain human, and now even more so since it is about deciding who will be the next hegemon. Given this, the question that we Peruvians should ask ourselves (who have no role in all this) is what attitude should we assume in the face of the disaster that, whether we like it or not, is going to affect us with unusual force due to our poverty and precariousness? We are supposed to have thinking people who are busy doing it, but, as we already know, that is not real. In Peru, no one thinks: everything is done to hell, no matter what. As a nation we completely lack intelligence. That is, we are in the hands of luck.

Fecha: 2023-11-11 09:45:44

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