

las ONG, disfrazadas de entidades de ayuda social, quienes han traído las nuevas consignas sobre cuál es la “nueva lucha” y cuáles son “la reformas” a hacerse

What is the progressive right or socialist left?

<< the NGOs, disguised as social aid entities, who have brought the new slogans about what is the “new struggle” and what are “the reforms” to be carried...>>

By: Luis Alvizuri (Filósofo, Psicólogo)

First of all, we have to clearly define what it is all about. The current left, the one that claims to be so, is no longer the old Marxist-communist one. It is a left that, curiously, is born from the progressive right whose agenda is to save capitalism through various reforms. To understand it better, US Democrats, without ceasing to be capitalist, propose modifications that allow the system to not enter into crisis due to its outdated nature, that is, to adapt to the needs and expectations of these times. It is, then, a capitalist reformism that confronts a conservatism that rejects changes. The “old” left that was known especially in Latin America came more from the defunct USSR that advocated a revolution and seizure of power to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat. This old left, the Marxist one, did not have greater success on our continent except for exceptions like Cuba, and without the support of the USSR and the Chinese Communist Party (which turned towards state capitalism) this option was weakening. The last effort to impose communism was that of the Shining Path in Peru, which was finally defeated thanks to the military and logistical support of the United States (which directed the Peruvian Armed Forces step by step). So this line lost space and, with the dissolution of the union system (because the right-wing governments fought it harshly), the social base of the left was annulled. Without workers there was no one to support the ideals of the Marxist left. It is this vacuum that NGOs are beginning to fill, disguised as social aid entities, who have brought new slogans about what the “new struggle” is and what “the reforms” are to be carried out. This is how a new left is installed in Latin America that has a different stamp, no longer unionist or Marxist, but reformist or socialist, in the European style. The objectives have changed radically: from the seizure of power to feminism and environmentalism, from popular struggles to capitalism “with a human face.” The progressive left does not propose the disappearance of market society but only makes it less rigid and exploitative, while reclaiming the role of women in it. This female factor is extremely important because half or more of the world's population views this approach favorably, which radically changes the entire meaning of what was originally the reason for the left's existence. Because the left was not created to make demands (although it can propose them) but to counterbalance the power of the right and thus establish a democratic balance. However, with the passage of time this turned towards non-democratic communism and now towards a non-political or social reformism but only of roles within society, where the important thing is the behavior of people in the face of different phenomena but not the questioning. to the rules of the game of capitalism nor to the essence of the exploitation of both men and women. This is the position that these reformist left and right movements now assume, and their greatest enemies are both the conservative and traditional right and the native political parties that have their own local agendas, different from those of the progressives.

Fecha: 2023-06-26 00:00:00

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