

el Partido Demócrata, con los medios de comunicación más poderosos del mundo a su favor, polariza las ideas las tradiciones americanas con las del globalismo y los DD.HH.

What would have happened if Trump was assassinated?

<< The Democratic Party, with the most powerful media in the world in its favor, polarizes the ideas of American traditions with those of globalism and h...>>

By: Leoncio Díaz (Politólogo)

The world was shocked this Saturday due to an attack that could have ended in one of the worst tragedies for the United States. Those who promoted it and the person who fired the shot did not measure the consequences of what could have happened if the former president, now a candidate for re-election With many possibilities of returning to the White House, he died in the attack. Although it is true that in the United States there have been many assassinations and attacks on presidents and former presidents, and that these events have not become political and social crises; It does not mean that today everything remains mere front pages, conspiracy theories, trials and investigations. In the current context, conditions are not favorable to internal peace. There are recent precedents and a critical context in American society that warn of dangers in this regard. In its speech, the Democratic Party, with the most powerful media in the world in its favor, polarizes American ideas and traditions with those of globalism and DD. H H. , especially in the last 20 years. Political and social polarization has increased with the Manichean idea that the Republican is "bad" and the Democrat is "good." They have society at odds with immigration policies, deindustrialization, progressive taxes, the use of legal weapons, insecurity, etc. They stir up discontent to channel the electoral vote and promote public policies that renew the image of an imperialist country to an “inclusive imperialism” with the rest of the world. In that sense, Republicans resist the changes promoted by elites aligned with the Democratic Party to keep capitalist globalization afloat. These contradictions have meant that the Republican opposition led by Donald Trump has very marked social bases. Trump evokes better than anyone in the speech and forms of an American sector that longs for its golden age of the 60s and 70s. For them, migration affects their interests, making salaries precarious and increasing unemployment. Likewise, they consider that migration threatens the North American identity, which considers itself the center of the world. Trump is representative of the 50% of Americans who feel proud of being the greatest world power and who consider him a cultural symbol of the so-called “American Dream” that is on the decline today. The political and programmatic polarization is so great that in recent years there has been talk of separatism and civil war. Let us remember that in January the State of Texas and its governor challenged Biden's pro-immigration policy, a fact that was supported by many citizens in the rest of the country. Likewise, the attack on the Capitol in 2021 promoted by the Republicans attests that there are many inciters and many Americans who to this day believe that the election was stolen from them. Let's take into account that the US is a country with an armed civilian population. Finally, added to all this, if the death of a very symbolic presidential candidate, with a good chance of winning, had occurred without much effort, this situation would have led to chaos and misgovernment in the US unprecedented since the civil war. American in 1865.

Fecha: 2024-07-17 00:00:00

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