The elections in Venezuela and their geopolitical impact
<< It is a fight to maintain the regime inherited from Chávez or change it for a traditional Latin American regime aligned with the US government....>>
By: Leoncio Díaz (Politólogo)

This weekend, the eyes of the world have been attentive to the elections in Venezuela, whose “official results” declared Nicolás Maduro as the winner of the race. The cries of fraud and manipulation, the marches and statements from international actors did not wait; today, more strongly than in 2019. However, everyone knew what was going to happen: the right and the left throughout the continent only accept the results that favor them. The truth is that this is not just a traditional electoral contest to elect a new government for a period of 6 years. It is not like choosing between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, which once in government are almost the same; but rather it is a fight to maintain the regime inherited from Chávez or change it for a traditional Latin American regime aligned with the US government and big capital. In that sense, maintaining or changing Venezuela's political and economic regime has implications for future generations and global geopolitics. Venezuela suffers from the curse of unlimited resources, which makes other countries seek political influence by economically and medialy supporting political actors with the possibility of being a government, all of this in order to direct those resources to certain commercial blocks in the international market. In that sense, opponents like Capriles, Guaidó and Corina Machado have the slogan of installing a government friendly to the northern country and its policy of capital penetration. They say it openly. On the other hand, Maduro's permanence in power guarantees an important ally to incorporate Venezuela into the BRISC. Application that is already in process. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the first to welcome Maduro's re-election are China, Russia and others such as North Korea and Cuba, his main allies. In this geopolitical war for natural resources, Venezuela is key to productively revitalizing the sides in dispute between the binomials Russia and China, founders of the BRISC, versus the US and Europe. After all, those are the governments that ultimately decide the future of the peripheral countries. Finally, in the current context there is a trial war between Russia and Ukraine, which is actually a proxy war between Russia and the US and Europe. Taking into account that Russia conditions Europeans with its oil production in the medium term, a government sympathetic to the West in Venezuela is urgently needed to invest in increasing production and having better conditions for an upcoming major conflict against Russia or China.