

La estrategia de China parece haber salido de un tablero de ajedrez, por todos lados arrincona a EE. UU.: en lo tecnológico, lo financiero, lo comercial y ahora lo monetario

From the dollar empire to the yuan empire

<< China's strategy seems to have come out of a chessboard, cornering the US everywhere: technologically, financially, commercially and now monetaryally...>>

By: Leoncio Díaz (Politólogo)

Until two years ago, the United States could coerce any country in the world to obey its political and commercial precepts based on the power of its currency in international trade. A country that dared to defy a ban on trading with a country sanctioned or blocked by the Northern power could experience retaliation in the commercial and financial field that would inevitably lead to an economic crisis, as happened with Venezuela and Cuba. In this way, the North American power sanctioned any country unilaterally, ignoring international law. However, this pressure that is still being exerted on countries is only a matter of time because the global hegemony of the dollar is in decline. This situation has occurred since the moment Russia began to be sanctioned for the war with Ukraine. Countries have noticed the economic and political danger of depending on the green currency and have decided to take measures in this regard. For example, Saudi Arabia, the world's leading oil producer, already trades with Russia and China in Yuans and Items. Likewise, the agreements between the BRICS countries are having more acceptance regarding trade with the Chinese Yuan. This group of countries represents half of world trade and more than half of the world's population. In that sense, China, a member of the BRISC, not only has the currency, but also a powerful industry that provides capital and consumer goods to impose itself on global trade; It is not for nothing that it is classified as "the Factory of the world." It has the ability to demand payment in yuan and deliver merchandise of all types of quality and price in exchange. China's strategy seems to have come out of a chessboard, cornering the US everywhere: technologically, financially, commercially and now monetaryally. The world economy and politics are experiencing dizzying changes, in that sense, things like Brazil and China trading with their respective currencies; or the peace treaty between Iran and Saudi Arabia promoted by China, which now buys oil paying in yuan, has a significance like what happened in 1989 with the fall of the former Soviet Union. Over time the yuan will displace the dollar as the dominant commercial currency, reducing the power and influence of the US that makes it act as the world's policeman. Winds of change are on the horizon, the global hegemony of the US based on military force and the printing of dollars without regulation will definitely be history in a few years.

Fecha: 2023-04-04 00:00:00

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