
Una vez más censuran la plataforma X; esta vez fue Brasil.

Imagen: Plataforma X

Judge orders the closure of proforma X throughout Brazil: Ellon Musk responds


Once again they censor platform X; This time it was Brazil.

A Brazilian judge, Alexandre de Moraes, ordered the closure of platform information. "On Wednesday, Moraes issued a subpoena to Musk demanding that a legal representative be appointed in Brazil within 24 hours. Failure to comply with that order, according to the notification, could result in the suspension of the social network in the country" The “immediate, complete and integral suspension of the operation of ‘X Brasil Internet LTDA’ in national territory is decreed,” reads the opinion of Judge Alexandre de Moraes, of the Supreme Federal Court (STF). (THE NATION) Ellon Musk's response was immediate and he published on his X platform: "Brazil's oppressive regime is so afraid of the people knowing the truth that it will ruin anyone who tries." "Freedom of expression is the basis of democracy and an unelected pseudo-judge in Brazil is destroying it for political purposes" The dictator Voldemort is trying to destroy democracy in Brazil. Lula to Ellon Musk: "Who does he think he is?": Lula calls on Elon Musk to respect Brazilian laws" "Just because you have money doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. You have to accept the rules of the country and respect the Supreme Court's decision. This is not a country with a stray dog ​​complex." On Thursday, the 24-hour period given by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Supreme Federal Court (STF), for Musk to appoint a new legal representative of X in Brazil ended. After the deadline expires, non-compliance with the decision will be certified in the process, so the next measure to be taken will be the suspension of the social network in the country, although there is still no established period to make a determination. Countries currently blocking access to X include China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Turkmenistan and Myanmar AFP Agency and newspaper O Globo/GDA/BBC

2024-08-31 04:08:45

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