
Burkina Faso, Malí y Níger, ratificaron el sábado 6 de julio de manera oficial su alianza llamada la Confederación de Estados del Sahel

Bukina Faso, Mali and Niger open a new path for Africa


Imagen: Agenzia Nova

In accordance with the free self-determination of peoples who seek their path to progress, three countries withdrew from the African ECOWAS to form a new strategic alliance to cement their own development. They consider that after belonging to the CDEAO for almost 50 years, this institution is very far from the initial ideals for which it was founded and they have not managed to escape the poverty that afflicts them. On January 28, 2024, in a joint statement read on Niger's national television, they stated that this body is "under the influence of foreign powers", has betrayed its "founding principles" and "has become a threat to its Member States".(The document was published in X). The three countries are currently governed by military junta that, amid instability and security threats, came to power through coups d'état. The three military leaders of the Sahel, Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, officially ratified on Saturday, July 6, their alliance called the "Confederation of Sahel States", whose first summit was held in Niamey. *ECOWAS* ECOWAS is a pan-Africanist regional organization of political and economic integration that was created in 1975 under the name of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). -Its headquarters are located in Abuja (Nigeria). Initially it was made up of 15 countries with the idea of ​​promoting economic and monetary union in West Africa and promoting relations between its States, free markets and monetary unity (Treaty of Lagos). -Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso, countries that have faced similar problems of insecurity, jihadism and poverty, have had tense relations with ECOWAS, since the military took power by force in 2020 in Mali, in 2022 in Burkina Faso and in 2023 in Niger.(FRANCE24) -These three countries currently have a rapprochement with Russia. -France until December 22, 2023, former colonizing power that maintained troops in Niger and surrounding areas. With EFE, FRANCE24, Reuters and local media

2024-09-04 02:32:30

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