Imagen: Noticias ONU / status/ 1
UN calls on Israel to return occupied territories to Palestine
UN vote against Israel and in favor of the return of land to Palestine
After carrying out its cyber attack in Lebanon, today the United Nations Assembly issued a non-binding resolution in favor of the Palestinians, demanding that Israel return the territories occupied since the war. FACT: The borders that remained after the Six Day War of 1967, which are those agreed upon in the Oslo Accords in 1993. The Borders include the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, but much of that territory is today controlled by Israel and continues to invade and build on Palestinian territory. 60% of the occupied West Bank is today under civil and military administration of Israel, where more than 140 Jewish settlements have proliferated that are legal in the eyes of Israel's legislation - and dozens of illegal ones -, in which more than 700,000 settlers live. Israelis, including East Jerusalem.(La SEXTA.COM) Fact: Palestine is made up of the West Bank, governed by the Palestinian Authority led by Mahmoud Abbas, and Gaza, which Hamas has controlled since 2007, and whose capital would be East Jerusalem. The UN General Assembly adopts a resolution demanding #Israel "end its illegal presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory" and to do so within 12 months at the latest. In favor: 124 Against: 14 Abstentions: 43