
Países a favor, en contra, abstenciones y los que no votaron el Pacto del Futuro

Which countries opposed and abstained from being part of the UN Future Pact?



The Future Pact is a historic document aimed at fulfilling the objectives set by the 2030 Agenda and incorporating new current issues related to information technologies, artificial intelligence, and nuclear weapons. Some media outlets have referred to it as the "2045 Agenda." The Pact is based on three pillars: sustainable development, peace and security, and human rights, and is divided into the following areas of action: Sustainable development, climate, and development financing. Peace and security. Cooperation in digitalization. Human rights and gender. Global governance. The 42-page document contains 52 points aimed at promoting a multilateral system that reflects today's realities with a vision for a globalized future. However, despite the extensive diplomatic work by UN officials and the coordination with member countries, it was not approved unanimously but rather by consensus. Countries in favor A total of 143 countries supported the Future Pact, including the United States, India, Germany, Uruguay, Israel, Ireland, Spain, Australia, Chile, Brazil, Paraguay, Panama, Ecuador, and Italy, among others. Countries against There were seven votes against: Russia, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Belarus, Nicaragua, and Sudan. Countries that abstained Several countries abstained from voting, including China, Saudi Arabia, Bolivia, Cuba, Iraq, El Salvador, Argentina, Bahamas, and Haiti, among others. The case of Argentina drew the most attention from the international community, as it had been an active participant in the negotiations of the agreement over the past two years. However, Foreign Minister Diana Mondino announced that Argentina would withdraw from the pact. "Argentina's case was unique because it decided not to vote and ended up on a short list of countries that did not participate in the vote on the Future Pact, such as Afghanistan, Brunei, Burkina Faso, the Central African Republic, Chad, El Salvador, Haiti, and Venezuela, among others" (Clarín).

2024-09-29 03:08:30

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